
Do you know the 5 AM Club? We reveal all its secrets

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Do you know the 5 AM Club? We reveal all its secrets
“Own your morning, elevate your life”. This is Robin Sharma’s motto to encourage thousands of readers to take control of their daily lives with a little effort: getting up early to devote time to body and mind before sitting in front of the computer in the office or when working from home.

In his book The 5 AM Club, the well-known writer illustrates one of the guidelines which has helped leading entrepreneurs and brand managers boost their creativity and productivity: Tim Cook and Jeff Bezos are two of the high-profile examples.

According to the practice that Robin Sharma explains in his book, the "morning routine" is the daily boost of energy that will help you improve yourself progressively. It is based on the following formula: 20-20-20

What is the 20-20-20 formula?

The author proposes a routine of 1 hour every morning to boost our everyday life and do our best at work, that is, to improve attention, productivity and solve different tasks.
We can divide this hour into 3 parts:

20 minutes for exercising: The aim is for our body to wake up as soon as the day starts. By doing so we manage to focus better from early in the morning.

20 minutes for “studying”: The next 20 minutes are dedicated to learning. Whether it's taking up the online course you left halfway through because you didn't have time, reading a book or spending a few minutes practising English.

20 minutes for relaxing: The last phase is about calming down. Be that through meditation, listening to a podcast or simply reading. You will be prepared to face the day differently. You’ll see.

What is the goal of the 5 AM Club?

Very simple. Take advantage of the first hours of the morning when others are still sleeping to devote time to yourself: whether it's reading, studying, doing exercise... From 5 to 6 am in the morning it's still dawn, so your mind is disconnected from the daily routine: you don't think about the next meetings, or the tasks you have to finish at work. It’s time for giving back to yourself.

How can I put this Robin Sharma formula into practice?

We recommend to have a bedtime routine and go to bed at the same time. This will guarantee you sleep enough hours so you’ll wake up full of energy to enjoy the first hours of the day. You can use one of our clock speaker s to set an alarm in different ways: you can set an alarm using Amazon Alexa, or even program a light sequence to wake up naturally and smoothly.

Choose the day you prefer to give it a try. You’ll see the 5 AM Club provides you with hours of productivity, personal growth and inner peace.

Tell us in comments if you have given it a try. Did you like the experience? We can’t wait to hear from you!
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