
Napflix: Audiovisual content to make you sleep

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How many times have you been watching series or films instead of sleeping? If you suffer from insomnia, either at nap or night time, Napflix can help you.
Netflix, the great streaming audiovisual entertainment server, has now a special mate. Napflix was born a few days ago. It is a platform created by two Spaniards in order to help you to fall asleep, even if you don't want to. Among the boring documentaries and films it offers you can find the following: the Tour de France 1992, cars running on the road or just spend two hours watching how wood burns in the fireplace. It is the perfect content if you want to close your eyes and fall into a deep sleep.
Undoubtedly, it is an interesting initiative that attracts media attention and that has made us smile (and yawn) at Energy Sistem. So if you want to sleep like a log, you can enter and enjoy the soporific content.
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