
Do you know how to delete junk" pictures from WhatsApp?

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Do you know how to delete junk

Hi there!

Today we would like to present another interesting app. It is Magic Cleaner.

First of all: you are probably part of many WhatsApp groups or you have a friend/relative who sends thousands of photos and jokes every day. Well, this wouldn't be a problem if these "junk" files didn't occupy in our smartphone a precious space we could use for other things.

For that reason, it would be great to have an app to detect and delete the pictures we receive via WhatsApp, isn't it? But we have to be careful because we receive a lot of pictures we don't want to keep but we receive also pictures of travels, family events or parties with friends. The key therefore is to discriminate between the material we would like to keep and the "junk" files.

What is the solution? The answer is Siftr Limpiador Mágico, better known as Magic Cleaner.

As its name suggests, Magic Cleaner is "magic", since it identifies among all pictures from WhatsApp those that might be "junk" files (such as memes, jokes, screenshots, etc.) and selects them in order to delete them all at once.

But, don't panic, because, before deleting them permanently, the application -by way of a virtual character, professor Kleen-, will show you the files selected that are going to be deleted, so you can confirm whether you want them to be deleted or you prefer to keep them. This way, you could always keep that joke or nice picture you have particular affection for.

How does it work? The app sends your pictures to its servers for examination and identification of those suspected of being junk. Warning! This means that the app uses your data. In order to avoid this, you can select the option "Over WiFi only".

Thanks to this application, you will be able to avoid quickly and smoothly all these memes, photos and so on that you don't want to keep in your device after seeing them. Very useful, isn't it?

What do you think about it? If you give Magic Cleaner a try, we would be glad to know your opinion about it. (You must be already trying to download it from the Play Store, aren't you?) If you find this post interesting, please share it! Maybe your friends are happy to meet Dr. Kleen too.  See you in the next post! :)

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